Saturday, November 3, 2007

Hey everyone, I am really sorry that I don't update more often. This week has just been kind of busy with midterms and planning trips and Halloween and trying not to be awkward with my host family. I promise a more exciting and long post will be coming soon because tomorrow morning I leave for Toulon! It's in the very south of France right on the Mediterranean :). So I will definitely have more to write about when I come back. I am really excited to be taking the TGV train there and back, so I will let you know how that works. Right now I am finished up a midterm and decided to take a break from writing to give you a quick update on what I have been up to.

-Aerobics, as usual
-I went to see a play by Moliere for FREE. It was called "La Malade Imaginaire" and it was really good. Lots of strange scenes with singing and dancing and unresolved plots. I love french theater.
- Went to a Halloween get together at my friend Chloe's apartment. There I met some more of her friends, as well as a student from Germany named Johann (yo-han, long "a") and one of her french neighbors.
-On All Saint's Day I headed to Pere Lachaise, which is the famous cemetery where Oscar Wilde and Jim Morrison are buried. As well as a slew of other very famous French, American, British, Japanese, Korean, Chinese and really any other nationality you think of, people are buried. There are also not famous people there. The place is beautiful and huge and teaming with tiny graveyard alleys plastered with above ground graves of frenchmen long dead. I need to go again because I didn't even get through 1/3 of it and I spent about 2 hours there. The Holocaust memorial graves were chilling and emotional, so I will take pictures the next time I go so that I can show you all.
-Now I am doing my midterm!

More later, I promise. I am really sorry that I haven't updated in a long time. Thank you, Aunt Nancy, for the short email asking for a post. Talk to you all later! I'll try to send you some of the Mediterranean sun...


mom said...

Have a wonderful time in the South of France. I drove through the South of Youngstown yesterday and we were in the Southern part of ohio for a bit as well. I think that I like your south better! The atmosphere has to be top notch there. Post when you can as I too, love reading about The Amazing Adventures of Michelle, College Student in Paris. Sounds like it could be a TV series....or a book :-)

mzanni said...

The Mediterranean was AMAZING! I wish you guys could've been there with me. That would've made things all the more enjoyable. I will post soon!

Mom, can you buy a house in Toulon right now? Please? It's paradise...

mom said...

Let me check my bank account. Hmm,
let me see....NO. Something about college costs for kids and such. Maybe next year, dear. hahahahahahaha. ICMU.