Wednesday, October 3, 2007

ahort entry

I have to finish my homework, but I just wanted to post a few things. First, my host family couldn't be any better. Even though I've been here for almost a month, I am still feeling hesitant around them and little uncomfortable. To top that off, I've been homesick because I don't have any close friends here, or a regular group of friends to hang out with. That being said, last week when the parents left for New York, they had first asked me to walk their two youngest kids down the street to their school at 8:30 the next morning. I said, OK, but then they discussed it and said that I didn't need to. The next morning, thinking that I didn't need to take them, I took a shower at my normal time, but around 8:20 I get a knock at my door (mind you I am in my towel..) from Pauline saying that we have to leave in 5 minutes. Fuddling around I say OK, hurry to get dressed and walk them down the street. I had forgotten about this until tonight at dinner when the mother said that she had a present for me for taking the kids when I didn't have to. It was a tea strainer with 4 types of really good tea!! What a great gift! She didn't have to do that for me, but it was a really nice gesture. After dinner I explained to the mother that I was homesick, and that when I am sad I tend to stay to myself but I would like to interact with the family more. She said that' absolutely acceptable and at any time I can just come into the kitchen or living room to do work or to sit with the kids or just to sit while the mom is busy running around with them. That made me feel a little more comfortable to be in their house. I should stop feeling like a tenant or a burden and start feeling like a part of their family (even though I am not...). I also found out that making international calls from their phone is free, and she said that I can call my family at almost any time that I want (except weird hours of the night, of course) so that made me extremely happy!! Anyway, I need to finish some work before bed. good night.


mom said...

I am so happy that your host mom is being your "mom". Please take her up on the offer to interact with the family more. I think it will help alleviate the loneliness that you feel sometimes. How nice of her to give you a gift! The kids must like you if they asked you to walk them to school! It makes me proud of you that you are working through this homesick period. I bet by the time you come home, you will be homesick for Paris! Take one day at a time and it will fly by with little time for thinking about being lonely. Get out there and socialize the best you can. Just being with other people and listening to them will help, even if it is just a bit. Love you! xoxoxoxooxox

Anonymous said...

I agree with your mom--interacting with them will help you, even if it's just to sit in the kitchen while you do your homework.

I'll bet soon you're cracking jokes in French.

I wish I had something fun to share with you. Instead, I'll go make a cup of tea. I see by my Eiffel Tower picture that it's evening there, so perhaps we'll be drinking a cup together!

Anonymous said...

P.S. Not sure if you meant to have the hidden message, but if so, I found it!

Anonymous said...

Just pretend that they are your family here. You can annoy the boy just like Rob at home and crack jokes at him. You can jump around and act goofy like when you are home sometimes (they would get a kick out of that. And maybe you could leave your stuff laying around the house like you do here (ha ha ha). I bet they would love that (he he).
Seriously, just be yourself and you will fit right in. Sounds like that is starting to happen anyway. You are home sick and we are missing Michelle sick. Call us soon and we will try to call you also. Talk to you later. Love, DAD