Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Since I got my haircut a while ago and I still haven't gotten any pictures to show you guys, I will steal them from facebook and post them here, because I can. So, here is my haircut!


mom said...

Looks like a cute style. You always did look good with short hair. Such nice look like you are having a good time in the picture. Have you lost weight? You look great!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Michelle in a skirt!

I'm not sure I've ever seen a candid photo of you in a skirt. Then again, you probably have never seen a candid photo of me in a skirt!

Unknown said...

ditto nancy's remarks. i thought 'nice haircut. heeey is she in a skirt?' seriously i love the haircut. very stylish. 'slammin' as my g/f would say.

mzanni said...

Thanks!! And yes....I whipped out the skirt. BUT as you'll notice I am also wearing a sweatshirt to keep with my normal style, so I guess I didn't veer off of the road too severely....yet...