Wednesday, October 10, 2007

it's been too long

I haven't written in here in a long time, so I think I am due for another entry. I left off last thursday, but that was just about the Indians, who I am so happy for!! I guess I could let you in on what I did this weekend...
On friday afternoon the Center took us on a weekend trip to Dijon. We took a bus to get out there, but it took us over an hour to exit Paris, so our bus ride ended up being about 6 hours. After that fun journey we finally made it into the town of Dijon. We ate dinner around 9:30 because we arrived so late, but the food was amazing. There were jugs of wine on our tables and it seemed as though each time it ran out, the waiter brought back more wine. They really like their wine here. Anyway, for the main course steak with a grilled and stuffed tomato and potatoes au gratin were served. Since I have to be the oddball and be a vegetarian, they served is an amazing pizza with tomatoes, peppers, onions, mushrooms and artichoke hearts. I think it was the best pizza I have ever eaten (sorry, Elmton...). Then for dessert (yes, dessert!!) we had creme brulee!! I think I gained ten pounds just by looking at it let alone eating it, but it was worth it. The next day we took a walking tour of Dijon and saw the Notre Dame of Dijon and the open markets and took a look at the architecture on some of the old homes. I wouldn't mind living there. Then we had lunch and some free time. I spent it walking around the town with some of my friends and then going back to our hotel to take a nap. Later we ate dinner at another restaurant (mind you that we didn't have to pay for any of the food all weekend...) where escargots were served (sadly I didn't eat any) for the appetizer, and then duck with potatoes. I had pasta and was underwhelmed with it, but hey it was free. Then for dessert we had a heavenly chocolate and hazelnut layer cake. I actually died and then came back to life when I ate it. Or maybe I just blacked out from all of the calories that I had consumed. I actually don't know, but I'll go with the first option. On sunday we took an hour ride to a town called Beaune (pronounced "bone") so that we could take a look at the Hospice of Beaune and have a wine tasting at a local vineyard. It was a more rural town but I really liked it and wouldn't mind coming back someday. Anyone want to come with me?? The wine tasting was interesting and we learned about the different levels of wine and which one is the most expensive. my favorite was the Pinot Noir for the red wine and the Bourgogne Aligote for the white wine. I bought some Dijon mustard and Creme de Cassis for my (real) family, so I have to get that sent along soon. The Creme de Cassis is a highly concentrated blueberry liquor that's used to make Kir, and french drink. You can either use white wine or champagne, and then you add a few drops of the creme de cassis and it gives the drink a sweeter taste. it's really good.
Up until now I have been pretty busy with schoolwork and stuff. I have to make a trip to the American Embassy so that I can request an absentee ballot. If I am sending one in from overseas then Ohio will accept it 20 days after election day. I don't plan on sending it in that late, but if it comes down to that, at least I can still vote. I am in a class called Muslim Presence in Europe and right now is the month of Ramadan. Our teacher thought that it would be a good idea to take us to a restaurant so that we could celebrate the breaking of the fast. She brought along one of her friends who is a practicing muslim and we talked about all kinds of things. it was a great dinner and I am really glad that our teacher put it together. Plus, once again, it was free. That's about all right now. I don't have classes today so I am going to run some errands, do homework, maybe some laundry and then watch a movie for one of my classes. Hopefully the weather clears up because it's raining right now. Talk to you all later!


mzanni said...

I was reading this over, and the weather cleared up rather nicely. It was sunny and fairly warm for most of the day. BUT the Embassy is only open from 9-12pm!! That's uncalled for.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful pictures, and thanks for sharing all of these types of trips.

By the way...I wouldn't have eaten the snails either, and I'm not a vegetarian!

mzanni said...

thanks for the comment, aunt nancy! I like that you read my blog frequently. It makes my blog worth doing. How have you been? By the way, do you or Chris know anything about iPods?

mom said...

I enjoy reading your blog, too. I think the culture sounds a little more laid back in the villages. The pictures were great! As for the Ipod....what is the trouble? I think that you and electronic devices aren't too compatible...We are waiting anxiously for your package. Still haven't gotten the email from you. Don't send any to school, just the home addresses. Glad that you are having a great experience.xo
If you are keeping score, I wouldn't have eaten the snails, pizza, duck or just about anything else EXCEPT the deserts and the alcohol beverages :-)

mzanni said...

yay!! I will send off your package as soon as I can! Also, I just registered to vote absentee :)

P.S. I spent a lot of money today. Like, $100 (about 80 euros). Just on clothes. OMG I am terrible.

Also, can I have a pair of shoes (mine are ripping. not the tennis shoes, those are wonderful, but my casual vans.) sent to our house, and then can you send them to me? It would save on shipping and I can pay in U.S. $, which is much cheaper. Let me know what you think. I can't wait for you to get my package!!

mom said...

Just go and get a pair of shoes and I will put the $$$ in your account today! (Friday.) It will cost me as much to mail them to you as for you to go and get some. Check your regular email 'cause I sent you a message!!! xoxoxoxoxox

mzanni said...

you are the BEST. Also, the iPod is working again! I guess it just needed some time for some R&R. I will go an buy some shoes in the next few days. I will be sure to check my email for your message, because I really like getting emails from you!

mzanni said...

mom, i haven't gotten your email yet... :(

mom said...

I have sent two messages to the oberlin address and it keeps coming back that an internal error happened and it can't send it. GRrr. I put money in your account, not a whole lot, but enough for a pair of shoes for sure, unless they are Gucci! I will try the Zanns18 email address. Hopefully that will go through. Talk to you soon.xoxoxoxoxo

Unknown said...

Hey I love hearing about your side trips. Your descriptions of the places you are visiting (and of course of the food) make us feel like we are there with you. I was wondering if you were ever going to post again. Sadly, I can't get to your blog from work (it's blocked :-( but I try to check it every night. I get happy when I see a new entry!

Did you get new shoes?

Anonymous said...

Hey Michelle!!!

Go to for some GREAT news regarding game two against the Boston Red Sox.

In a nutshell: tied at the end of the 9th and at the end of the 10th. In the 11th, the Tribe scored FIVE runs!!! YAY!!! Boston had nothing left in them, so the Indians won 11-6!!!

Games 3 and 4 the Tribe has home field advantage!! Then it's on to smacking the poop out of whoever wins the National League slot.

mzanni said...

woo! I just went onto the site. The Indians are really picking it up!!