Friday, November 16, 2007

Eiffel Tower!

I climbed the Eiffel Tower today!! It was really sunny outside, and despite it being about 40 degrees, it was wonderful out!! I honestly need to get this camera thing fixed so that I can show you the pictures that I took. You can see the entire city from up there. I wish it were free because then I would do it at least once a week. I also saw a bunch of funny tourists up there. The Americans made me laugh the most. I wish you were all here with me.


mom said...

I wish we were all there with you as well! I bet the view was awesome. Too bad the wacko Americans are the ones who give the rest of the world their opinion of us. Do you have enough storage cards for the pics? We can check them out when you get back. We are having Thanksgiving at our house this year, but it won't be the same without you there. I have already said that we will have cranberry jelled stuff in the can in honor of you. I like it too. xo

mzanni said...

i love that you always comment! I'm glad that you'll be having a can of cranberry jelly for me, because it is one of my favorite things. I told my host family the recipe that you gave me for the sweet potatoes (or patates douces in french) and they grasped their hearts and gasped! The mom told me that the kids don't like sweet potatoes, but she also wants me to make a little portion for them to try. I really hope they like it and that I can make it well enough! You're going to love the pictures from la Tour Eiffel when I show you! I really don't want to leave Paris..

mzanni said...

by they way, I meant to tell you that I just booked a train for Amsterdam for next weekend, and the cost $148. It's 101.00 euros. It's not too expensive, but I just wanted to let you know. I am probably down to either $500 or less by now. It should last me until the end of my stay here, though. I need to be more frugal!

Anonymous said...

I will eat some cranberry jelly, too. I like it!

I wish I could help you out more so that you could just enjoy yourself without worrying about money...but alas, our money is tight right now, too (what with Christmas coming up and all).

I can't wait to see you and all the pictures!!! Maybe when you get back you can come and visit Chris and me for a weekend and we can see the pictures and make some good dishes. I'm learning more vegetarian stuff all the time because it's good for us to reduce the meat in our diet.

mom said...

You did tell the mom that we only eat them that way once a year and the rest of the time it is not so caloric, didn't you? I don't want them to think that we wallow in holiday candy and eat our food the same way! Once in a while I prepare stuff that is healthy...once in a while...

Unknown said...

It was good talking to you on Thanksgiving! Nice to hear your voice. I too wish I could be there now, so you could show me around Paris and I could see all of the great stuff you've been talking about! Hope you enjoy your time in Amsterdam. Here's a funny story about when Eefje came to live with us: (She was from the Netherlands). On her first night here, right after we got home, she said, "OK. We don't wear wooden shoes, I've never seen a field of tulips, and there aren't any windmills where I am from. Did I get them all?" :-) We just laughed. Be safe and enjoy the rest of your time there.