Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Hot chocolat

This is new, another post right after I just made one! I just thought that I would fill you all in on something I forgot that I did last week, and something that I did today. First, last wednesday I was walking around the 1st district with my friend Kathryn when she pointed out a really famous (therefore expensive) place to buy hot chocolate. We both felt like being tourists, so we headed on over and let me tell you, that place is one swanky joint to buy hot chocolate! if you're at all curious, the cost of a cup of hot chocolate was 6.80 euros. Don't jump to conclusions! I will explain why it was worth that much. First, since we both ordered, they brought up our cups, two glass with a carafe of water, real whipped cream, and then a good sized carafe of hot chocolate. When you think of this pot of hot chocolate (a.k.a paradise) don't picture Swiss Miss or Nestle or anything like that. It was really thick, so thick, that if you stuck your spoon into the hot chocolate it would coat the spoon in a layer of dark chocolaty heaven. I was also able to have at least 2 full glasses of it, so it was really like I paid 3.40 for one glass. So, that was my French hot chocolate extravaganza.

Next, I visited the Musee d'Orsay for free today. It was pretty amazing and I will have to go again. I saw Delacroix, Gauguin, Monet, Manet, Pissaro, Cezanne, Van Gogh, Renoir as well as many others that I am sure I am forgetting. I took some pictures and then when it closed I walked around my district for a little while before heading home. Now I am doing homework before dinner. That's all for now, but I will try to update more frequently since my time here is presque fini! (almost finished.) A bientot...


Anonymous said...

Yum. It makes me want to go make some hot chocolate right now! I have some Trader Joe's sipping chocolate...I think I'll make that!

Can't wait to see you.

mom said...

0Wow. Time is winding down quickly. When you first were gone, it seemed like forever before you were coming back and now it is like 3 weeks. Enjoy your last few weeks while you are there. Can you buy any of that chocolate to bring home? You know, like Starbucks and Duncan Donut have their stuff in bags?...

mzanni said...

I can't wait to see you either! Mom, I will try to buy you some nice chocolate for christmas. Have you opened my package yet?? I know it's not that exciting, but there are still some things that I'd like for you guys to have. Hmm, I know I always ask you about/for money, mom, but I really don't think I will be able to last with less than $200 (roughly 150 euros) if I want to finish my christmas shopping. Ummm, I want to go back to Oberlin before the semester starts so that I can start working as soon as possible so that I can pay you back. I've worked up quite a debt. I will try to call you soon, hopefully before this weekend. Miss you both!

Tim said...

I read that post and when I saw "Musee d'Orsay" I swear I hear Ms. Terek's voice saying it...

mzanni said...

tim, I'm glad I could make you think of Mrs. Terek, and I am also glad you read my blog.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.