Tuesday, September 11, 2007

finally in paris, finally making a blog

Sadly, however, I can't upload all of my photos because there's seems to be something wrong with the USB cord or the camera. It takes pictures just fine, but for some reason the computer won't acknowledge that the camera's hooked up. So, I have a lot to update on since I arrived on the 28th of August. Seems like a long time, doesn't it? It seems like I've been in Paris for only a day. It's gone by pretty fast but I'm trying to soak up the Parisian air as much as I can. I really love it here, more than I thought I would. It's not just the way things look or the food or the Eiffel Tower. It's the way people carry themselves. It's the smells of all of the deli's and shops on the street. It's how I can start walking down one street and glide down the curved and narrow streets to come upon something totally new and different from anything that I had seen previously. There's a lot of history here that I have to learn, and I think once I learn it I'll have a greater appreciation for France, especially Paris. I also like how it is different from the US. I really needed a change and to go someplace different because I've been living in the same state for the past 20 years. Not that Northeastern Ohio is a terrible place, but there's a lot more for me to see out there. Who knows, maybe I'll live here. Sure I'll come back to the US to finish school, but I'm really falling in love with this place and I want to discover more of Europe. Today in my conversation class we got on the topic of politics and how France is in someways different from the US. Here, people seem to value each other more. It's not just about making as much money as possible (and I know that there are plenty of places in the US that have that same mentality). It's also about enjoying what you do for a living. There's also no capital punishment here, and the streets are much safer than any big US city. Plus french is a beautiful (but very nasally...) language and I want to listen to it all of the time and be able to fluently communicate. I really needed to get that off of my chest. I am in a contemplative and sedated mood so I apologize if my first post isn't that exciting.

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