Wednesday, October 24, 2007

i should really update this more often.

It's been really sunny here in France, but the temperature is dropping fast. Yesterday it was only in the 50s, and I had to whip out my coat. I guess global warming hasn't crossed the Atlantic yet to Western Europe (although I am sure it has, that's just a false statement because I hear it's so warm in Ohio and in other parts of the US). Before I come to write in this, I always have so many things to add, but as soon as I sit down and begin to write, they all disappear... I can tell you that last saturday our program took us on a day trip to Normandy, but it wasn't too the beaches, which was kind of sad. But, we visited an old Abbey, and then a really old chateau. Facebook picture stalking and thieving ensues. Over fall break I plan to take a train to the beaches in Normandy, and maybe I'll take a day trip to somewhere else...outside of france. Who knows. I've been doing a lot of aerobics lately, and it's just great. Last night there were two classes in a row, and I ended up staying for both.
I've had quite a bit of homework for my classes lately since midterms are next week, but I think they should go smoothly if I use my day off today economically. I don't think I've written enough about the people that I see on the metro. If it wasn't for the metro, my days would be much duller. A lot of times I see business men, carrying their daily newspapers, with their briefcases, ties (I distinctly remember one very stern looking man wearing a red tie with happy prancing dogs on it. that made me happy) and their thoughts about what the day will bring. Then, there are the performers. I've seen saxophone players, accordions, violins, french horns, singers, asian instruments, guitars, mandolins, and that's it for now. I've also seen a clown who made balloon animals, as well as preachers and just darn crazy people. I swear that I've seen famous models in the train because who else would bother to wear high fashion clothes and make-up? Most of the people look like normal people, but there are those few who just look like they came from a Chanel ad. Maybe they actually did. I saw the cutest baby on the metro, who began to play with my colorful scarf as we were riding. HOLY COW she was joyously adorable. It was sad when her and her mom had to leave. I also saw a tiny dog wrapped up in it's owner's purse, with just it's cute little head popping out. That made me smile. The metro also has its share of sketchy people, but i try not to focus on them. Did I tell you all how the kids enjoyed what mom sent them? Well, I gave them the Pez, glow sticks and candy corn, as well as a card she sent, and they seemed to really enjoy it. Mark Antoine (sadly not Mark Twain) really loved the Pez, and the mom had to literally pry them away from him when it was time for bed. I don't think candy before bed was the best timing on my part, but no one was hurt in the process. I told my host mom that I was planning on going to Amsterdam at some point while I was here, so she automatically told me that I needed to watch "La Jeune Fille a la Perle" (or the Girl with the Pearl Earring). It's set in the Netherlands and it is based on the painting by Johannes Vermeer "Girl with the Pearl Earring) as well as the book that was written about it. It was a pretty good movie, but it didn't really have a lot to do with the Netherlands other than that it was set there. They lived right by a canal, though, and that's a pretty integral part of the place, so I got a small glimpse as to what amsterdam might look like, at least in the 15th century. That's all for now, but I am sure that I'll think of more things to write later. A bientot!


mom said...

I just love reading about your life in Paris. I am thankful everyday that you are with a decent family and that they have accepted you without reservation. As a mom, that makes me feel relieved. Your sidetrips sound awesome, wish I could go on some of them with you. You are right to stay away from the ne'er do wells. Always be aware of your surroundings and those around you. Ok. Done lecturing. Love you tons, miss you lots...

Anonymous said...

Love this post. So fun to read what you're doing and where you're going...and the pictures are great, too!

You also described why I love riding the Metro in Washington, D.C.


Unknown said...

I was wondering where you'd been and what was happening with you. I liked your description of the metro, it sounds like a bigger, more colorful version of every public transportation system I have ever had the priviledge (?) of riding on!! (DC metro comes to mind for me, too.) Do you ever wonder what these people's (the subway riders) lives are really like? I mean someone must have bought that tie with the happy prancing dogs for the stern man. Hmmmm. Hey do they celebrate Halloween in France? I know when we had the Students here, they all got a big kick out of it. The Europeans were somewhat familiar with it, but Kloy, the girl from Thailand just talked about it for the longest time!! (She was most impressed by the boy who came to school dressed up like an order of McDonalds French fries.)

You mention wanting to goto Amsterdam. Any particular reason? That doesn't seem to be one of the more tourist-y cities in Europe...

mzanni said...

I often wonder about the lives of the people in the metro. I feel like the metro is one of my safety blankets here. If I am on the metro, I can literally go anywhere in paris. They kind of celebrate halloween. It's more well known here than in smaller cities because of the huge tourist population and "american" food places that advertise halloween. They really celebrate All Saint's Day (nov. 1st) and everyone is off from school and work and people tend to take a long weekend vacation. I want to go to amsterdam because I currently have 2 friends studying abroad there, one of which already came to visit me. Also, the Van Gogh museum is there, and I also want to see all of the bikes Amsterdam has. They are really getting serious about different modes of transportation other than cars, and I think it's great. If I could only learn (or get up enough courage) to ride a bike in the snow, I would never need my car at school unless I were driving home. Wow this is a long post.

p.s. I am going to try to dress up for halloween, so hopefully I can procure some pictures for you.