Monday, September 17, 2007

Faire l'aerobique

My sister would be so proud of me. Tonight, I went to an aerobics class. It was so fun!! I am totally going to go again. The teacher is just full of energy and the people who were there were diverse and really nice. There was an frenchman named Aldo who took over the class for about 10 minutes and made us do crazy things to the music. it costs 9 euros a class though, but she did say that there was a way of getting out of paying every once in a while if we are a struggling (financially) student. All we need to do is get there early and sign people in, take their money and give them their change! So I think I will get there early next week. This post is mainly for you, Chris, so, maybe when I get back we can turbo-aero kickbox together.

A bientot


Anonymous said...

But I have to's the toilet? :-)

Muwah across the miles!

Unknown said...

Ah jeez, Cup. You seem to be having a great, though expensive (everytime you mention Euros I cringe) time in Paris. Oh man. It's not as exotic in Oberlin, but, we're still cooler than everyone in France.

Also, what's wrong with everyone watching rugby? IT'S RUGBY WORLD CUP! Just embrace the culture and watch it and love it and marvel at the amazingness that is rugby. I'm kinda jealous that argby isn't as available here....

Regardless, you're wonderful, and what on earth did happen to that toilet situation?

mzanni said...

The toilet is fine...for now. I was scared to flush it for about 24 hours after the incident. It still takes a long time to flush, but it does flush. Also, I wrote the daughter a note apologizing if I did wake her up and surprisingly she didn't wake up, even when I was mumbling obscenities at the toilet. So....if anything else goes haywire, I'll post about it.

mom said...

I admire anyone who can keyboard and talk about aerobics with excitement in their post. You sound as if you are really embracing everything you can. Yay! Did you speak to the owners of the toilet to let them know of the difficulties when flushing/filling? Now that would require some advanced language skills, non?

mzanni said...

i didn't talk to them about it. It's working right now, so if it does act up again, then I'll say something. thanks for posting, mom! You should get a blog to. You should name it: Struthers Elementary: Tales of the unknown...

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE to Turbo with you when you get back!! MISS YOU!! XOXO Chris