Friday, September 21, 2007


I've been prodded by some folks who will remain nameless to post about the kinds of food that I've been eating. I usually cook for myself, and that's never exciting because it's just cereal, chick peas, lentils, bread, (nutella) some veggies and some fruits. Eggs, too. Can't forget those eggs. I have had some amazing crepes in the time that I've been here so far. You can put anything in a crepe. I had one with egg and cheese, and the next one was one with apple compote! Either way, they're delicious. I had Chinese food with a friend a while ago, but that was just greasy and not good, so I won't do that again. The family eats pretty normal things, like chicken and fish and rice, vegetables and so on. it's just the way that they eat which is different. Meals take a long time to eat and there's an etiquette that I haven't quite nailed yet. it's really hard for me to find vegetarian food, but there are some Indian restaurants that I want to check out and yesterday I stumbled into the Jewish quarter of the city, so there was a lot of falafel, so I think I will try that out too. OHH, panini's are great here. They're cheap and they're filling so if I am in a rush or something, I can get a panini and that will be all that I need. Panini's are just a baguette cut open with stuff inside (i usually get the tomato and mozzarella) and then grilled. It's so good. Oh yeah, the bread here is exceptionally better than anywhere. There' so much of it too. The coffee that I've had has also been exceptional, for a cheap price too. There are Starbucks here, but I absolutely refuse to buy coffee from them because it's more expensive here due to the exchange rate, so why would I buy something here when I can get it for cheaper at home?? Also, there are much better and much cheaper places with a better atmosphere than Starbucks. Don't get me wrong, I do buy their coffee when I'm home, but for now I am taking a break. Is it lunch time, yet?? All this talk about food is making me hungry. Anywhoo, I am going to go do some homework before class. I only have one class on fridays and it's from 2:30-4pm. Have a great day!


mom said...

Sounds like a lot of good stuff over there to munch on! Our paninis are not as exotic as yours, but they are good. When I was in Nice (a million years ago) we would eat croissants with jelly and to drink we would have chocolat chaud for breakfast. Today for breakfast I am making a whole wheat English muffin and slathering it with margarine and cream cheese. Very nutritious. How nice that you have a late class on Friday. Gives you a chance to sleep in or just bum around. Have you been to any little villages yet? They are quaint. We will share pictures when you get back. xoxoxo

mzanni said...

Mmm...english muffins. I never really liked english muffins. I prefer bagels (which there are none of here!! eek!) or just plain toast. I try to stay away from croissants because there's so much butter in them (i heard they were equivalent to a glazed donut...don't actually know if that's true). I have had hot chocolate, but I usually make coffee for myself in the morning. I usually don't end up sleeping in because I just can't, so I get up early and do some work or run errands and then I go to class. I am going to try to take some day trips to little villages outside the city either soon or when we have a our break at the beginning of november. this is a really long comment. enjoy!

mom said...

i did enjoy it. next time i will try and have more interesting things to say.

Unknown said...

Great. I clicked on to see what's been happening and now I have this incredible urge to eat fancy pastries and such! Glad to hear you are having a nice time. Now I want to hear more about your host family. (As a former host mom myself...) How old are the parents, are there any kids there? Do they have a maid? Clearly, we need more information! You may think it's a boring part of your life but we want to know!

Anonymous said...

I think we're all turning into Grams. Just about the only thing I can think of to say in reply is to tell you what I had for dinner. We went to Applebees and I had a steak and shrimp. It was deLISHus.


Yep, I'm going to BIH.

Anyway, thanks for the update! I've been wondering about the food, as I've always heard that even the street vendor food there is great.

And I can't wait until you figure out the etiquette. I want to know about that, too.

Oh, and what about schools? Are the kids tested and tracked to see if they can go to college like they are in the UK?

Unknown said...

Oh yeah. Nutella. Eefje ate it on everything. Must be a European thing. Kobe Bryant used to be on the label!