Sunday, September 16, 2007

just for the heck of it

I thought I'd post again just because I want to and because I am a little bored. I already did all of my homework because it was pretty easy and I've been out all day. Also because I just read my aunt nancy's blog and it inspired me to write more than things just about my time in paris. Sure being in Paris can be fun, but it can also be a bit lonely. I miss everyone at home and I wish that I could fly every person out here to be with me. One thing that I am learning by being across the atlantic is that I really have a wonderful family. If I lose everything else in my life and have nowhere to go, I'll at least have my family. Also, I'm learning that I'm not very good at making friends or fitting in with a lot of people, especially here and with some of the people in my group. They're not terrible people, but some of them (actually, most of them) just aren't the type of people that I can totally be myself around. Maybe things will change. I have a great group of friends from home and from Oberlin who I appreciate even more for being my friend. I'm also glad that I have friends that are more interested in school and relevant issues than having "tipsy tuesdays" and the latest pair of straight legged jeans from some brand name that I've probably never heard of. Was I raised in a bubble? Or was I raised to not be afraid to be myself and to do what I want and wear what I want, no matter what? This entry is becoming a little elitest, so I am going to stop before I say something mean. I don't know, I guess I'm just learning a little bit more about myself and about sticking to what I want to do and believe in. I don't have to be cool or pretty for others to like me.


Anonymous said...

Elitist? Nah.

Bubble? No way.

You're just very you, which is a good thing. Now, at age 20 almost 21, it's hard hard hard to be the person who doesn't fit it anywhere. I know this from experience. It stinks beyond belief.

But I can also say from experience that in the long run, it's worth it. You're an introvert, I'm sure, as am I. We are comfortable being on our own, with our thoughts for our company.

Eventually (in my mind) this serves us well. When we meet people who "get" us (which we eventually do), they get us deeply, and it lasts. It's just hard for us to find each other because:

A) we're in our own homes, quietly doing our own thing. Thankfully the Internet makes it possible for us to be more likely to find each other because interacting there is on OUR terms.

B) Um, sad to say, only about 25% of all Americans are introverts.

So you see, partying doesn't appeal to us, and we spend so much time not caring what others think that we tend to not be all that into fashion, either.

Which for you, right now, isn't all that easy, what with being in the fashion (and gastronomical) capital of the world!!

Hey, tell us about the foods you've had! I'm dying to hear!!

P.S. You'd do better asking Christopher about your computer microphone issues...and Skype, too. Let me know if you need his email address.

mzanni said...

thanks for the post. it's nice to hear from you and get some advice/council. Anyway, I would love Chris' email. I really want to be able to use skype with other people without having to buy a microphone. i really don't think i should have to, but who knows. anyway, i need to get to bed. talk to you later!