Sunday, September 23, 2007

just a tidbit

I told you in my most recent post that if I thought of something else to write I would post it. You know how the french (well, europeans in general) are generally thinner than us in the US, well, I'm pretty sure I was one of the biggest (not height-wise....they and the rest of europe's got me beat) girls there. That made me a bit self conscious. Also because I don't speak that well and I don't understand a lot of slang especially at the rate at which they talk, it's hard for me to pick up on what a lot of people are saying. I was pitching back and forth with one of the 17 year olds Lea and one of her friends came up to talk to her. They were talking and then the guy said something to me and I didn't quite catch what he was saying. Then she told him that I was american, and both he and the older guy that he was with kind of stared/glared at me. Needless to say I was uncomfortable and a little angry. I don't know if they actually had harsh feelings towards me because I am an american ( I hope not), but that wasn't quite the reaction I was looking for. Whatever. Je m'en fous (I don't care). Also, juste un petit truc a ajouter. I found some solace today when I looked at the Italian team. Most of their players were short (like me, yay!!) and they were also built like me. You know, big hips, legs that aren't the size of twigs, big noses. I was comforted to know that there is an entire country where it's not absolutely a shock when I am 5 feet tall with big hips. Maybe one day I'll live there. I definitely want to visit it while I'm here. The next language that I want to tackle is italian, then spanish. Hopefully I can do them both at the same time since they are so similar. Then it's german and maybe an asian language, preferable korean. Is that too much? I don't know..I guess I'll just have to live all over the world in order for me to learn these languages best. :) Anyway, I need to finish my homework.


Anonymous said...

Great to see you're making friends outside of school!

Oh, and as far as the snotty Frenchmen go, don't worry about them. You're a normal, healthy weight. You proved that when you played as well as you did.

If they have prejudices against Americans, it's most likely against Bush and his actions...and shame on them for judging you based on what he did without bothering to find out how you feel about the whole situation...well, their loss. And you now know you probably wouldn't like them, considering they make snap judgments without any facts to back them up.

Oh, by the way, I should have told you my "muwah!" is my Internet-way of giving you a kiss on the cheek. Not as classy as theirs maybe, but full-fledged, midwestern enthusiasm is involved.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I meant to add, "Muwah!"

Unknown said...

Well from what I have heard, the French have never been very pleasant towards Outsiders, especially the Americans. So like A/N said, their loss. They would likely benefit from meeting you and talking with you. So glad you got to play ball! I was wondering if you were going to get a chance to play while you are there. OK Off to bed with me. Love ya!

PS No spell check or grammar check, hope this comes out OK.

mzanni said...

you're both right. it is their loss. The french love to talk about politics, though, and I was glad that I got a chance to talk to a few of the girls on the team about Bush and Sarkozy (sarko in colloquial terms), who is their current president. It was nice to finally be able to express my political views, even though some of it was in english, because then I didn't have the weight on my shoulders of them wondering or judging whether or not I supported Bush or the war because I am american. I will try to post about my host family soon. Aunt jenny, where was your student from and how long did she stay with you? What was she like and how did she deal with being in a new country and a new family's home?

mom said...

I thought I had responded to this posting. I guess I was remiss. Too bad for the French that they aren't giving you a chance. Snap judgements are never good for anyone to use. I agree with A/N. You are looking great! Don't let society or other people dictate how you should look or act (unless it's gross or disgusting) and everything will be just fine. Be content with who you are. You're stuck with you for the rest of your life!!! hahahahahhaha

Anonymous said...

I totally didn't realize we could post comments on your blogs until just now! This is awesome. So, I'm happy that you got to play softball! That's exciting... ummm... I don't have a lot to say, I just got really excited that I could make a post! Love Ya!!!